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Old 05-29-2009, 02:28 AM   #196
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 81
So I sent her a text at lunch saying "Do you have some free time this weekend so we can meet somewhere to talk?"

Her response was that she was busy, with the added "You need to give me more time and have a little patience."

I don't know what to make of that in the grand scheme of how I'm supposed to live my life, other than "Air traffic control to airplane such-and-such. We're going to need you to stay in a holding pattern for a while." Fuel be damned, right?

I figure the answer is something like "Just try to live normal, if she calls, she calls, deal with that as it happens."

If it's well and truly over, then, I know I'm going to go into a period (of ill-defined length) where dating isn't part of the equation. Granted, I thought this was the one, so ratios with past relationship lengths might not apply, but I'm sticking with my concept of "it'd be ridiculously unfair to drag this shit into a new relationship"

So if she gets back in contact, I'll have to assess that as it is.
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