Originally Posted by disenchanted
If it's well and truly over...
I can help you with that: it is.
You gave it your best shot and she didn't bite. She obviously likes something about you but its not nearly enough for her to commit without reservation. You do not have the strength or the will to break it off and she doesn't have the guts or the decency to cut you loose to recover and move on. So that leaves you in an indefinite emotional holding pattern. You cannot live your life like that.
When a girl won't see you but asks you to be patient, you are dead in the water.
I wish the news were better and I do sympathise - we've all been in that spot and it sucks mastadon balls but there's no escaping the reality of it.
Take the keys away from your heart and give them back to your brain and ignore the pleas coming from the trunk. Make a U-Turn and get the heck outta there.
You will look back on this when you end up with the right girl and say "dayum that would have been a disaster." Trust me on that.