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Old 06-16-2009, 02:51 PM   #11
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Sugar - I dislike the term terrorist myself - there are murderers, people who fund murderers, people who support murderers, people who shake hands with murderers (I mean you, Bill Clinton) oh and more murderers. Some of them look like us, sound like us, were born in the same country as us, have the same religions as us. When they start the killing, they are not us.

We've recently had a resurgence of murders in Northern Ireland.
Luckily, 9/11 soured most Americans on sectarian killings, so they have no support over there either. And the Church seems to have backed off too. No matter how righteous the cause, sane and decent people realise it's all killing in the end.

May it happen for you.
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