Originally Posted by Shawnee123
My compliment on your hair did not just include color: it's shiny and thick and pretty. No, I'm not a lesbian, just wanted you to know that you have pretty hair.
You're no newbie!
Ahhh...thank you.

But do you know what's the secret to nice shiny and healthy looking hair? Not Pantene, it's good hair product! I use Biosilk silk therapy. Just put a tad on your palm, smear it and put it on your hair. Your hair will look shiny but not greasy. Try out a product and see which brand that may work for you. Someone recommended Chi but she described to me this one inexpensive one at the drug store, but I could never figure out which brand that was.
Complimenting another woman doesn't mean she's a lesbian, does it? I hope not because I do it all the time. :p It's not strange for a woman to appreciate another woman's beauty, body included.
And I do feel somewhat like a newbie. Although I do read often, (as some people may refer that as lurking, hehe), I don't post enough. Thus, not much of my personality is shown. So, now, at least y'all would have a face attached to the name Tulip.