My new telephone service went live today. In the welcome pack they gave me all kinds of details about my phone service, including a list of all the extras I ordered. call-package I am on etc etc. No mention of the broadband I also ordered. Now...I realise the broadband will take longer, but I am a little concerned that it isn;t mentioned at all. So, I decided to ring the customer help line.
Fucking stupid of me to ring on a friday evening I know, but I gave it a shot. I went through the menu options and then was placed in a queue. I got a message: "We apologise for the delay in answering your call. Your call is in a queue and will be answered shortly" then a click then a brief refrain of pop music. Then a click then " We apologise for the delay in answering your call. Your call is in a queue and will be answered shortly" then a repeat of the same pop refrain.
After half an hour that exact same four second burst of pop was really starting to grate. But by now, with the click-message-pop every minute or so, making it seem like I am somehow moving up a queue, it wuold have been a waste of the 30 mins I had already spent waiting if I gave up.
After 45 minutes it really would have been a waste of a significant amount of time and by now I really wanted to express to the advisor my dismay; and offer two suggestions: first - have a message that gives an estimate of how long it will take for my call to be answered, or advises me to call back later if it's going to be longer than 30 minutes (it can be done: BT does exactly that), second - if the action of clicking through the message resets the pop burst it'd be less annoying to have no music, or live radio (again it can be done, I know it can I've heard it done).
60 minutes I am seriously thinking fuck this, i am giving up. But then I would have wasted an hour.....and having been queued for an hour, surely I must be near the end of the queue...I could be seconds away from being answered. Every so often there's a slight delay and silence between clicks and messages, just enough that you think you might actually be about to hear a real voice.
I finally gave up after 70 minutes.
I did try, whilst holding listening to the same three or four second snatch of music opver and over and fucking over again, to access the online account option: but when I tried to register, it told me my details didn;t match the details they had on file. "please check your details are correct"
*Goes very red in the face and steam starts shooting from ears*
I just wasted half my fucking Friday night. If they'd said "We estimate your call will be answered in One hour" or "We are experiencing high volumes of calls, and recommend that you try again later" I would have waited and done it later or tomorrow.