OK . . . this is a notch above mildly irritating, but not quite upsetting. I am living in utter CHAOS. The only thing that kept me from totally freaking out this evening was a nicely timed TV spot featuring hurricane damaged homes - mine is not quite that bad, it just feels that bad.
We are having hardwood flooring installed in our kitchen, dining room, living room, hallway, and stairway.
It's going to be beautiful, but DAMN what a mess it is in the meantime. It's going slower than anticipated too, because we hired a "friend" and you know how that goes. Good thing is that we're getting the labor in exchange for our old 1977 camper. Bad thing is . . . well, this guy and his helper are really getting on my nerves. If nothing else, I'm getting awfully tired of fat guy butt crack.
And they ordered the wrong size edging for the stairs, so that's gonna take a while, ugh, ugh, ugh. They promised me it would be done by Thanksgiving. Damn near waited till the last minute for that, didn't they? Well, if it's all done but the stairs it won't be the end of the world.
But now just think of all the work I have to do to get this place in shape for turkey day, when my FIL is coming, my SIL and her kids and her new boyfriend we haven't met yet . . . and I haven't even bought a thing for the meal yet because where the hell would I put it? I can't even get to my friggin' cabinets, hardly.
So in the meantime I'm trying to clean up the lower level, which has been piled up with mucho crap since we had to clear out my mom's condo (and there's still stuff at the condo, in the garage, double ugh) so bad that we could hardly even use that area.
And we continue to clean up cat pee. Can't bring ourselves to put Ms. Ancient Kitty at rest. She's decided she prefers shallow trays, OK. But then she hangs her ass over the edge. And she pees next to every other box throughout the house, she can't use the one we've provided just for her. Today she pissed on the floor installer's knee pads; they squished when he put them on. They are now in my dryer.
Someday I'll look back on this and laugh, right?