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Old 12-21-2009, 06:05 AM   #2174
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Sorry to hear all that Jaydaan.
My grumpiness feel totally unjustifed now.
But I'll tell you about it anyway!

Bloody post.

I ordered two badges from eBay on the 12th.
Still haven't come, only two more days of post before they're worthless. 49p each, so they don't break the bank, but as they're Christmas specific I'd have to wait a whole 'nother year to give them.

Abigail's snow-globe hasn't arrived either, or Samuel's MK Dons tshirt. The latter is the only one which will have to be replaced as it was a half of his Christmas present - I'll have to go into town on Weds and get him something else instead.

And no Secret Santa either
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