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Old 01-05-2010, 11:49 AM   #1648
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
Unfortunately I agree. I think it sucked when the R's did it and it sucks now that the D's are....
My point was the selective outrage. It is not just the D's doing it now unless you ignore the spike in cloture/filibuster procedures (see graph above for you ) by the Rs in the last 2-3 years, in many cases, to disrupt the process.

One can question whether the R filibusters spiked because of other procedures initiated by the Ds or the D's resorted to the procedures because of the spike in filibusters initiated by the R....chicken and egg...although the Rs said on numerous occasions that their goal, with respect to some bills, would be to disrupt the legislative process as much as possible using any procedures available.

And as the graph further indicates, the Ds (and earlier Rs) used the cloture/filibuster much less often when in the minority than the current R minority.

But I agree a return to more cordiality and respect for the process that provides both sides a voice is preferred...but not an equal voice or what is the point of being in the majority?

The process was much more respectful 25 years ago when I worked in the Senate during the early Reagan years.

Last edited by Redux; 01-05-2010 at 01:31 PM.
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