My Mum worked in ambulance control for about 10 years. In this country you dial 999 and are asked, "Which service, please?" If you asked for an ambulance in the mid eighties-nineties you'd have got through to my Mum (in Bucks, when she was on duty!)
You don't want her stories.
She came home full of stress, anger, bile, horror and helplessness. And irritability. And that was when she wasn't on nights. She mentioned being on nights over Christmas (three years running - the shifts fell as they did, no argument) to someone the other day. She said what hell it was having to get up and make Christmas dinner after less than six hours sleep. I chipped in that we were all terrified of her when she was on nights (perhaps a little TMI) and her response was, "If you hadn't all been so much trouble, perhaps things would have been easier for me!" So no regrets there then Mum.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac