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Old 02-25-2010, 12:53 PM   #2484
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Right behind you. No, the other side.
Posts: 10,308
Stupid people.

Lil Lookout and some of his friends were playing airsoft wars yesterday and the big brothers were pounding on them so I took them all out to a spot we use for paintball and the like. This is the middle of the desert, literally a 30 minute hike to the nearest road. We have trenches, foxholes, and forts built in and around the base of the mountain there.

Picture kids ranging from 8-12 decked out in camouflage running around shooting the hell out of each other. I was playing too but I don't have the protective equipment the kids do so I was just wearing regular khaki type clothing, safety goggles, and a Shemagh* wrapped around my head and face so I wouldn't pelted on my bald head.

An older couple came out of the desert yelling at me. Apparently they had been hiking and thought they were witnessing some sort of "arab terrorist training". I looked at the kids all geared up and couldn't help laughing. The guy got really pissed when I laughed at him and asked what possible mission could I be training 20 midgets with toy guns for? Dumbass.

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Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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