Well, I get slapped by my wife for all of my Canadian jokes Such as:
How do you spell it???
C eh N eh D eh
How do you keep Canadian bacon from curling in the frying pan???
Take away it's little broom.
Why are there so many French people in Quebec?
During WW2 that is where they all stopped running.
And when she hits me I can't hit her back as she is currently 8+ months pregnant.
But in truth I love it here, I already apologize too much and tend towards the polite side most of the time.
Makes it fun to be a security guard, though. most people don't see a veteran when they look at me, and I tend to use that to my advantage.
Life ain't always beautiful... but its a beautiful ride.
- Gary Allen
Carpe DM - Sieze the Dungeon Master
I drank WHAT?!?!
- Socrates