Thread: Disillusionment
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Old 12-03-2003, 01:00 PM   #13
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
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What?!!!!! there is no santa???!!

Originally posted by FileNotFound

My parents raised me with no illusions.

They told me that there is no Santa but that we'd like to think that there was one and that he'd bring us gifts. But there is no Santa so they end up buying the gifts themselves....but they wish there was a Santa....

I had no problem with that.
and look at how you turned out, you freakin Vulcan

kids NEED fantasy.....they LOVE santa.....why deprive them of it? don't you remember the excitement of christmas eve and listening for reindeer on the roof until you finally fell asleep? cmon! you all got over the realization that there was no physical santa. it became a rite of passage, in a sense. "i'm old enough to know about the santa thing...better not tell little sis""

think, juju
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Embrace this moment, remember
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