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Old 08-21-2010, 03:17 PM   #2757
changed his status to single
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Lil Lookout's team had a substitute coach today who doesn't know any of the kids. He played the kids badly out of position and left LL as a lone forward (not his strongest position) against a team 3 years older than them for the whole game.

LL scored 6 and an assist in a 8-7 loss. Bummer, but no big deal. LL was really upset when we got to the car. He says the coach talked to them after the game and told them to keep their heads up (good), they played great (questionable), and they'll surely win all their games if they can get a better forward (WTF?).

Fucking prick. LL played well but not perfect so I would certainly understand the coach talking to him about some of the things to improve, but to publicly pin all the problems on a 9 year old and completely ignoring the less than well thought out coaching strategy is bullshit.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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