Once upon a time, in another lifetime, I worked in a scrapyard like that. Only not nearly so sophisticated. I shared an office with two doberman's (to keep the riffraff off me) and handed out the bucks to the scrap collectors. There were people who came in every single day, dropped off their trash can haul, and went and bought a burger or bottle. Sometimes, kids would bring in truckloads that they'd collected for camp or school or trips. Every month or so, my boss would pack it all into tight little squares and ship (literally, put it on a ship and send) it somewhere.
Very grimy job. An a'hole boss who liked to have phone sex with his whomever, while sitting in front of my desk.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane there, Bruce!
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi