before/ without going home?
I suppose it's too early to ask if you're going to get it before...the appointed time.
I have had time on my break to watch a little TV. I caved in and kept my cable but after seeing the quality of what I am paying,has caused me to reverse my thinking and go for satellite.
What is annoying about cable is my HD tv looked OK with standard definition. When I upgraded to HD the standard stations look like an old tv set and HD isn't that much better.
One day, I guess I must have been bored, I hooked up rabbit ears to my TV and got one station. It was brillant crystal clear. I haven't been able to get one station with an antenna since then, but I do plan to keep trying. I live too far away from the signal towers to quickly decide on an antenna so I ordered satellite TV for Friday. oh yay. Maybe that part belongs in the happy thread, but Cable TV is HORRIBLE.
Did I mention that cable sucks? and why am I paying $60 dollars a month for a sub par product?

Maybe they hope all people are just too busy to notice.