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Old 01-13-2011, 12:22 PM   #3191
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Bloody League of Gentlemen and their bloody reticent agent(s).
I do not watch daytime TV - even though I am currently unemployed.
Daytime TV is for people with very different tastes and sensibilities to me.

I occasionally listen to the radio in the afternoon (Five Live) and sometimes pick up word of the Gents' doings from there. But how many people who get to listen to the radio in the afternoon can necessarily afford West End theatre prices anyway. I can't - I have to save (or borrow from my long suffering bro and pay back, or look after Grandad and have him tell Mum to treat me).

So it was by accident I found out Mark Gatiss is in Ayckbourn's Seasons Greetings with Catherine Tate and David Troughton (yes, Patrick's son) until March.

And by accident I discovered Reece Shearsmith has taken over Andy Nyman's part in Ghost Stories. And yes, I would see it again just to see Reece. DanaC, if he's still in it next time you come down South we really both have to go - you'd adore it. In fact even if he's not in it, I think it's worth scheduling in.

It just grates that I follow JB far more closely these days, because his website is so detailed and the spin-off message boards so well-modded (no "OMG he is so fit!!!!!!!!" posts) that it's really easy. Following the League used to be a sneaky pleasure, but when you have limited time/ access it's tricky to keep up.

Bet I wouldn't even know if they were touring again.

Derren Brown isn't much better.
But at least he has a fairly up to date website.
He's gay too, Dana, don't know if I mentioned

Just to wet your whistle, and because he's not on our screens enough right now, here is the devilish Mr Shearsmith

I do love his accent. even when he is being posh for interviews.
Might have to go find some Jeremy Dyson interviews now - he has the sexiest accent out of the four of them (Leeds).
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac

Last edited by Sundae; 01-13-2011 at 12:29 PM.
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