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Old 01-25-2011, 09:27 AM   #3254
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Spex will tell you that you get better service in a store, and that's true. To buy them online, you need to find a pair that you already own, and that fit well, and get your ruler out and take all sorts of measurements on them and then compare those to the glasses located online. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's a hassle that will save you like $200-$300.

You can also upload a passport type picture of yourself and use an online tool to virtually see what the glasses will look like on you face, but that too is a hassle, because you need to scale the glasses to the correct size in relation to your face so that you are keeping them the correct size. The easiest way would be to upload a photo with you holding a ruler above your eyebrows so you can make sure to scale the glasses properly.

It's much easier to buy them in a store. But very expensive.

Edit: Let me add that I LOVE my glasses purchased online. I doubt I'll ever buy a pair in a store again.
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