Originally Posted by TheMercenary
The majority of large news papers are left leaning.
In numerous studies, the majority of reporters lean conservative. But not wacko conservative. So they are often called pinky communists by extremists.
One should never judge a paper only by its editorials. For example, both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times are moderates. One has a very right wing editorial board. The other is closer and slightly left of center. But editorial departments are separate from news department. Which is why the NY Time, LA Times, The Economist, Newsweek, and the Wall Street Journal all report news from the perspective of educated people - moderates.
You have seen how TheMercenary constantly posts how he wants Obama to fail. And promoted *hate* of Muslim in lower Manhattan (how dare they setup a mosque on holy ground covered in betting parlors and whore houses). Therefore every news source except for Fox News will be pinko lefty socialist.
Back on 4 Dec 2005, the NY Times reported on how bad both GM and Chrysler products were. On 6 Apr 2005, the LA Times provided an even more scathing article on same. So GM started a program to intentionally bankrupt the LA Times. Then the Wall Street Journal piped in noting that GM had also tried to harm them for reporting honestly.
Meanwhile, where was Fox News? Silent. Calling GM what it was contrary to the political agenda. People must be told how to think – not facts.
Today, everyone knows the NY Times, LA Times, etc were 100% correct about crap from those anti-American companies. But only moderate sources reported that news honestly back then.
Two other superb news sources are Charlie Rose (PBS) and Frontline (PBS). The investigative journalism from Frontline, for example, demonstrated the myth and lies that justified "Mission Accomplished". Includes superb investigative reporting from Lowel Bergman among others.