It seems the Libyan forces have been strafing and possibly bombing their citizens in Tripoli, which is bloody vicious, but not nuclear.
Unless Ali meant it metaphorically. But in one respect, Ali is right. Long established dictatorships are being shaken, long repressed citizenries are stretching their muscles and looking at throwing off yokes, etc. all though the Middle East and Africa. This has spread as far as China! Multiply that by all the various political and religious differences, add a few thousand years of grudges, and raise it to the power of OIL, which draws in pretty much every other country on Earth. Lord knows how this is all going to end up.
There is one way the nuclear fear might come about. In most of the Arab states near Israel, the general populace sympathise with the Palestinians, but their leaders have been influenced by diplomacy to not attack Israel. Most notable, Egypt is participating in the seige of Gaza, despite the fact that (Uday can correct me here) the vast majority of Egyptians oppose this.
So, here's a scenario: populist revolt sweeps the Arab nations, new governments take over, they are unable to meet thier peoples' unrealistic hopes, decide a bit of foriegner-blaming is the thing to do, and end up making war on Israel. Israel got da bomb. As a last resort, they might well use it.
I think this is unlikely, but not impossible.
ETA: BTW, Hi, UG, been a while, how have you been?
Shut up and hug. MoreThanPretty, Nov 5, 2008.
Just because I'm nominally polite, does not make me a pussy. Sundae Girl.