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Old 02-24-2011, 11:28 PM   #176
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Uday View Post
What do you think is cause people to listen to those religious zealots in the first place?
A friend (ethically challenged) was one of those call center people who would even sell bonds from a Nigerian Prince. Best people to call were the most religious. They would religiously believe the first thing they are told. And then deny with aggression when reality showed them that truth was otherwise.

The most religious, in history, are some of the most dangerous. Because they are the most easily brainwashed. Because they never learn what is necessary to know something. And because they promote that "god's decree" at the expense of mankind.

One need only read the discussion Pedophilia Irish Style to appreciate how religious people will condom and continue to hide child rape - for the greater glory of god. No honest person would find that acceptable. The cover up (in Philadelphia) is traceable to all three past Cardinals. This latest coverup traceable to the Cardinal's man who was supposed to identify and avert pedophilia.

Meanwhile, Voices of the Faithful, a church group demanding reform, has been banned or uninvited from many parishes. Their demands based in facts is objectionable to the more emotional in that religion.

Three examples of who is most easily manipulated by organized religion, corrupt leaders, and religious zealots. Advertising is so effective for the same reason. Large numbers of people only believe what they are ordered to believe. They feel rather than think. Even forget from junior high science what is necessary to know anything - always required hard facts with numbers. Those who know because they feel make fertile ground for zealots. Learning the difference between an emotion and a fact is either difficult or impossible for many.

Last edited by tw; 02-24-2011 at 11:34 PM.
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