Originally Posted by TheMercenary
As a disagreement to perceived success in Bosnia. We had no business there. We have no business in Libya. It astonishes me that liberals in this country support missions like Libya, Bosnia, and Somalia and the use of the Military to be some kind of police force when we selectively disagree with some wrong doing but yet Saddam killed a hell of a lot more of his own people than all three of those countries combined but they think Bush did something wrong.
No, liberals think Bush did something wrong because the Iraq war turned into something that the American people didn't think they would be getting into. Initially Iraq was supported pretty much across the spectrum and Bush's ratings were through the roof. His ratings started dropping when it was realized that it wasn't going to be the cakewalk that it was talked up to be (plus other reasons but it's hard to generalize any further).
There will always by hypocrisy in politics when it comes to two polarized parties but both parties are split down the line on this one. For republicans, the neocons are pro-war and the rest are pretty much against. For democrats, there are the interventionist who are pro-war and there are the non-interventionists who are against it. There are a lot of pissed off democrats right now.
The US military has no business there and it is not worth one American life. We have nothing to gain, the outcome is unknown, and the impact is in doubt. Libya is not our problem. Let them kill each other off.
I disagree to a point. The outcome is completely unknown and the impact is in doubt but there are indirect gains with stopping Gadaffi from massacring his own people. There are reasons why everyone is much more focused on Libya and not Darfur or the Ivory Coast.