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Old 03-31-2011, 09:53 PM   #295
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 495
Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Like Iraq?
Lets look at Iraq and the conditions I suggested.

There must be a popular uprising.
I agree that such an uprising existed in 1991 at our urging and we hung them out to dry. Shameful.

In 2003, there was no popular uprising along the lines of what have seen in other Arab counties over the last few months.

There must be a significant and deadly threat to that uprising from military forces against that uprising.
The greatest massacres of the Iraqi people occured in the 80s (gassing of the Kurds) through 91, with the US administrations at the time providing arms to Saddam, not in the prelude to the 2003 invasion.

The subsequent No-Fly Zone in the early 90s prevented any deadly use of military force in the north at the time of the US invasion in 2003 and the Kurds had autonomy for the first time ever.While there certainly was actions by Saddam's secret police in the south, there was no broad use of the military because his military was decimated.

The intervention must be limited (and I would add) have a UN mandate.
Certainly not the case with the invasion and occupation of Iraq for which there was no UN mandate.

It must have the support, at least at some level, of neighboring countries and the Arab world.
The Arab League opposed the US invasion, as did the other major Muslim countries - Pakistan, Indonesia, etc.

There were protests against the US invasion in major cities throughout the Arab world.

Not one of thse conditions fit the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Last edited by Fair&Balanced; 03-31-2011 at 09:58 PM.
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