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Old 04-10-2011, 10:30 AM   #3432
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
There are paper tests still available. But only at certain locations, and usually only in the more rural areas that haven't gotten the money to update yet.

But either way you can't just "walk in" anywhere, the popular time slots at the testing centers (i.e., summer) all fill up 9-12 months in advance, and the least-popular time slots (i.e., now, in the middle of finals at the end of the semester) fill up shortly after that. I registered in January, thinking I could take it anytime before October, and happened to get one of the very last appointments anywhere in the city during my time frame.

I'm not upset about it, I still scored plenty high enough to get into my program. Just mildly irritated.
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