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Old 04-22-2011, 07:04 AM   #363
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Your burden....

You don't believe this???

Why? You think they are friends and want to recognize Israel as a legitimate state in the Middle East?
Your wanting to believe something and have it actually be true are two different things. I can point you to a sci-fi series in which the author claims that the Yiddish word 'goy' translates to 'cattle', when in reality the word comes from the bible.

A lot of 'religious war' really had nothing to do with what is actually written in holy books. It had more to do with money, land, and power. Protestants v Catholics had a lot to do with Protestants claiming church land formerly owned by the Catholic church. The strife in Northern Ireland had almost nothing to do with religion but more to do with the political affiliations of majorities in each group and a perceived concentration of political and economic power in one group.

Is there anything explicit in the holy books of any major religion that denigrates another religion or justifies the persecution of other religions - no. Are there vague passages that can be twisted by those with an agenda and tied into cultural or political hatreds to achieve these goals - yes.

What I find twisted is that for propaganda purposes Muslim extremists are digging up myths about Jews that were started by European Christians centuries ago. Specifically blood libel, and I'm not talking about Sarah Palin.
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