Originally Posted by monster
OK, so Tuesday is the day to hit for big exercise. How long are your drives to campus, between and home?
Physical therapy for your hip -do that -and mention the knee when you go.
At work, do 10 squats each time you go to the bathroom. Do a kegel/belly brace before you start and hold it.
Diet-wise. Keep a pack of frozen peas in the freezer. these are your snack when you're hungry between meals at home. You can expand this to packs of frozen berries if that tickles your fancy.
If you are working a 10 hour day and will not eat, fill your car with yummy nutricious food in a cooler on the passenger seat so it's more accessible than fast food.
Knee needs surgery, OR lots of ice and anti-inflammatories. Orthopedist thought surgery could make things worse, but maybe someday I'll get around the getting a 2nd opinion. I have a chipped off piece of bone in there that rubs around and causes all sorts of havoc.
Peas are disgusting, might eat berries but they can't be frozen, sensitive teeth. A cooler of food would not make it for 8hrs in a car in TX heat, I don't care how much ice you pack. I would not trust it. I just need to eat at work, keep snacks and shakes on hand.