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Old 04-26-2011, 10:32 PM   #375
Poker Playing Fool
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 128
Originally Posted by Fair&Balanced View Post
I agree completely with you about Iraq and the role of Halliburton and Blackwater.

I even agree with to some extent with Afghanistan and propping up the current corrupt regime.

Where I think the US can be most successful is along the model of Bosnia and now Libya, as part of a broad coalition and with a self-limiting role to protect civilians and/or support popular movements against oppressive governments but not to the extent of invading and occupying.
Bosnia is better, yes, but still had problems with American mercenaries, such as KB&R.

America would find more gratitude if they followed the French model from the revolutionary war; go in, take out the bad guy, and then leave immediately. It is when the nation being "helped" is subjected to "provisional governments" and "stabilization" that problems begin.
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