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Old 05-02-2011, 08:43 PM   #71
Colonist Extraordinaire
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Location: Redondo Beach, CA (transplant from St. Louis, MO)
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post

But anyway, they're also all part of one same category, which is "60s-70s hit singles in which a major character in the song dies."

Billy, Don't Be a Hero (who dies: Billy)
Casey Jones (who dies: Casey Jones)
Leader of the Pack (who dies: Jimmy, apparently the Leader of the Pack)
Run, Joey, Run (who dies: in an ironic twist, not Joey, but his preggers whore girlfriend)
The Night Chicago Died (who dies: hoodlum gang members, a hundred cops... but not dad!)
Indian Reservation (who dies: Cherokee people, Cherokee tribe)
Seasons in the Sun (who dies: singer, listener)

But they really crossed over the line when the animals started to get it:

Wildfire (who dies: Wildfire; and, you might have missed it, Wildfire's owner)
Shannon (who dies: Shannon; and the lyrics don't say it, but they are about a dog)

But it wasn't enough to get just the animals, oh no, they had to get the imaginary mythical creatures too.

Puff, the Magic Dragon (who dies: Puff, the Magic Dragon. Honest.)
This wins the funniest post in the thread!

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