Thread: Dieting...
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Old 06-10-2011, 06:25 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by morethanpretty View Post
I have decided to go ahead and attempt the Zone diet. I'm ordering the book on Amazon and it should be here by the time I get back from vacation. I am considering a fitness club membership (there is 1 right next door that looks affordable and is 24 hour). I have a couple of free options, like the one at work and the college, but neither of those are as convenient, if I were going to use them regularly, I already would be. So, might be worth using the one next to my house....
This looks like good thinking
I have gotten better at eating a snack or lunch at work. I am going to have to improve the quality of those, but at least I'm not AS tempted to eat fast food on my way home.
This looks like progress
Sister is off work for now (teacher - but looking for a different job), so she cooks most nights now (I cleanup and contribute groceries to make up for her doing the cooking) so that will help me stay away from the super bad stuff, she usually tries to cook healthy. ..
This looks good, too
Well done, MTP!
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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