Originally Posted by classicman
Interesting development. I think it makes the Pakistani Gov't look even more complicit.
As so accurately noted, "They are not monolithic. Its more a melange' of beige yogurt."
And much to my surprise, their nuclear weapons number is hundreds. Pakistan has for a long time been the most dangerous nation to America. A friendly nation also full of friends of our enemies and with nuclear weapons. Even Afghanistan is regarded by many in Pakistan as an enemy. Therefore Pakistan needs to protect the Taliban (certain factions).
During the cold war, America provided the USSR with a fail-safe system similar to one we had. The USSR gladly accepted it and implemented it. Cooler heads existed on both side.
But Pakistan refuses to accept the same fail safe system provided without strings. It is this type thinking, repeated constantly, that makes Pakistan further dangerous.
One can criticize all they want. And that is useless. One must first acknowledge what does exist. Then deal with it. Apparently Hilary Clinton has been doing so with success. The recovery of our secret chopper is a perfect example especially when Pakistan is courting better relations with China.