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Old 07-20-2011, 01:51 PM   #3669
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I STILL haven't finished the gazillion page form that the government wants me to fill out to attempt to qualify for voc rehab training. I am supposed to list in stunning detail every step I propose to take toward re-training for the next 3 years - I kid you not. I must also include estimates for all costs involved, no matter how great or how small. Hell, the program (through the University of Northern Arizona) hasn't even accepted me yet, nor have they informed me regarding any financial aid I might qualify for. I have been trying to reach the voc rehab worker who is responsible for a population of 30,000 workers or would be workers in my area. Love those budget cuts, especially when they prevent people from getting help to free themselves from Uncle Sam's assistance programs.

I'd like to dump the Colorado legislature out here on the desert all by themselves so they could see up close and personal how much fun it is to make your way in a region of the state that has 13% unemployment and climbing.
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