Morethanpretty!! Wooohoooo! How have you been? It's unusual for you to be not around. Anyways, I just want to fulfill my promise. As I always say, better late than never.

Here is the list of exercise dvds I think you may like:
One on One Training with Jackie Warner
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
Jackie Extreme Timesaver Training
and of course, P90X
These are lighter, but you may benefit from them if you haven't been really working out:
10 Minutes Solution: Yoga
Winsor Pilates
And these are what I also have in case you're interested:
Hip Hop Abs (not full set)
SELF Bikini Ready
Turbo Jam (not full set)
Rapid Results Pilates
I practiced Jackie Warner Circuit Training and liked it. It's great for the shoulders, back, and chest. There are ab exercises too, but it wasn't intense enough for me. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of this to offer to you.
So, tell me which ones you'd like to have and I'll send you a copy.