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Old 08-15-2011, 05:03 AM   #3761
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Sorry to hear about Michelle, Syc.
Good luck for her recovery.

I'm a little irritatated because my great plans for today have all fallen apart.
We were supposed to go up to London mid afternoon, meet my Godfather, go to Covent Garden and meet my bro, browse, watch street performances and then go to the theatre. All within a small area, little walking and nice treats for me (Peter always slips me some money and gets the drinks in, whether it's a beer or a diet coke).

Peter has had to cancel - for a very valid reason.
Now Mum has resurrected a plan we'd prettty much nixed. Go to Knightsbridge and visit the Brompton Oratory.
This makes the journey longer, more expensive, involves more travelling on packed Tubes and more walking. I've just spent three days walking around with Mum, hearing all aboout her corn, her bunion, the shooting pain in her groin, the fact she can't "march off" like me. I was really hoping to avoid that scenario, and have an enjoyable day for me.

I'm not interested in the Brompton Oratory, or in Harrods or in Harvey Nicks (when I don't have a penny to my name I mean). I get no pleasure from trailing round expensive shops, or going to see a church I'd never heard of before.

Don't get me wrong - had this been the plan from the beginning I'd have indulged her. I'm not a completely selfish bitch, I will do things for other people. I just think today is the wrong day and the wrong occasion to be doing it. She should do it with Dad on a separate trip - they can go and have a glass of champagne together.

Sadly, she's bulldozered me a bit.
Have to grin and bear it.
Just disappointed because I was looking forward to it, and now I'm not.

I guess it can't spoil Much Ado About Nothing Tonight.
Can it?
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