Thread: oldest thing
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Old 08-17-2011, 01:39 AM   #1
the big Cheese
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Switzerland
Posts: 390
oldest thing

ok kids, today in the neverending quest for truth, justice and the American... oh wait.. sorrry.. thats the "other" persona

today in the neverending quest for totally useless info...

what is the oldest thing in your closet? ( not counting your weird old Uncle Harold that no one really talks about )

I've got a sweater that is about 24-25 years old ( I've known mrs. G for 14 ) ok it's got a few holes and thin spots (unlike me) but it's just getting comfy. Mrs G tends to think on the other hand that I should, and I quote, "throw that moth eaten rag away"

so again.. you kids got anything that can measure up to my prized sweater ( that would be jumper to you Brits )
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