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Old 08-23-2011, 10:50 PM   #3827
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Didn't get a "first day of school" photo for either kid, especially disappointing in the case of Minifob because making it into mainstream Kindergarten was one of the major goals we've been fighting for the last two years.

The reason we didn't get any photos is because Minifobette freaked the fuck out when she saw that I'd put name stickers on her sippy cups, as required by the school. They are industrial grade, made to withstand dishwashers, so she had a hell of a time ripping it off, which made her even madder, and meant she was still unfed and melting down when the bus arrived. So Minifob got scurried onto the bus alone, while I continued getting Minifobette back to a stable place and took her to school in person 25 minutes later.

BUT! I am not so sentimental that it is upsetting me, only mildly irritating. I will just make do with "Second Day of School" photos this year.
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