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Old 09-06-2011, 02:04 PM   #3856
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
"Please consider the environment before printing this email."

Bite me. Because really, all I want to do is sit around printing emails for no good reason ALL DAY LONG.

What a stupid line (almost as stupid as professionals who have a cutesy saying that attaches to every email they send out. I like signature lines here in the Cellar. In work, it's unnecessary and annoying...especially when they are posting to a listserv that repeats every line of every entry in every reply.)

"Please, consider my sanity when attaching your stupid not-clever saying or puerile platitude when replying to my question."

edit: I forgot to mention the cutesy sayings are always in a cutesy font and in a cutesy color. What are we, 9?
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