Stupid bloody place where I work (not the school).
I provided a LOT of info when I applied.
But was impressed because I had interview, induction and started work in the same week.
Well worth the lengthy application process I thought.
Oh nononononononono says the no cat.
STILL being chased (3 emails now) for info I have already provided.
I responded to the first email with an explanation.
Last time I phoned and was advised only one form was outstanding - I handed that in in-store last Sunday.
This time I emailed again (HR don't work weekends, even in retail, that's why they're all so smug).
Apparently I have THREE forms outstanding including the tax form I filled in three weeks ago, the form I handed over last week (which is a duplicate of one I completed on my induction) AND a History of Work form never requested previously, but I did give references and permission to contact them in my original application.
Arse? Two hands? Torch?
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac