A blanket (not a good one thank fsm, because a bunch of threads got pulled and it's basically junk now) somehow caught on my dryer lint screen shield part and ripped a big piece off. There's a parts center online for Sears (a Kenmore), and it might be replaceable. Catch: I can't find the model number. It's probably on the back and this thing (a stackable w/d) is basically set back into a closet with drawers built in next to it. I can't even imagine pulling it out of there.
There might be a manual around here...it was part of the purchase and was here with the previous owners.
I just really can't have one more thing break in this place. My friends have fallen through on the deal to fix my bathroom floor...and my kitchen sink. I'm still using a dorm fridge (really why spend the money on a big one when I'm getting by with the smaller one, but still) and there is a leak (comes and goes) in my living room ceiling and a couple other repairs needed.
But I'm going to win the lottery tonight and leave it all behind anyway, so there's that.
Funny how transient I feel, for being an adult and all. Or I'm supposed to be. Sigh...
I think old single women are supposed to ask their dads and brothers for help with these kinds of things, but I just don't want to.