I have one.
I could mount my Unicorn tool on that!!! Hell yeah!
Sorry, got a little cross threaded there (NYUK NYUK NYUK).
This thing is the blender of the gods. They have a website, something like willitblend.youhavegottobekiddingme.nofreakingway or some damn thing like that. I love mine. I bought it used from the pawnshop and I still paid *coughfourhundreddollarscough* a lot of money for it. Will it do what you have in mind? I don't know, but I would be very happy to conduct any experiment you have in mind with it. I'd send you the blender and you could test it yourself, but it is really a handful. Well, maybe we'll get to that... we'll see.
What would you like me to test for you? The more specific you are the better.
Be Just and Fear Not.