Thread: My Family
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Old 04-02-2012, 02:37 PM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Sundae
But after she left, Mum said Laura had said, "We don't want anyone buying anything for her yet. It's too soon. You never know what might happen." While this is true, to me it is also a sign of denial. If the whole frigging lot goes to a charity shop I'd rather my neice thought someone cared before she slipped down the stairs.
Oh, ouch. Major denial. Sounds like Laura is pushing for adoption. Those hormones are going to be flowing; if Abs isn't already talking strongly about giving them up, no way is it going to happen after they're born. Sometimes even the ones who do have every intention of doing it can't go through with it when the time comes.

You're a good aunt, and Abs will thank you for it someday.
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