Given that they waited to tell us until Abigail was beyond abortion range, I think denial is the main issue here. They might still hope she will give them up for adoption, but it is so not going to happen. I can say that with confidence, having spoken to her face to face now.
Typical of my family. I never know the rules until I transgress them. They might still be hoping for adoption and I come blundering in with baby clothes and thermometers! No-one told me not to. As far as I can tell it's just a dirty little secret. And although I know better than to thrust in their faces I'm not going to behave in that way too.
She might well be a silly girl. But today she looked strong. Not hiding behind bleached hair. Not kohl'd like an owl. Fresh and scrubbed and maintaining eye-contact. Appearances mean little, but her choice in the one she is projecting is positive.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac