Thread: My Family
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Old 04-10-2012, 07:42 AM   #32
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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So, Easter.
It went pretty much as well as any family event.
We (in this house) did not ask any questions about the pregnancy in front of my BIL and the subject didn't come up.

I skipped out on all the help with preparing and cleaning up afterwards and chatted with the children & Gary instead. This was to deliberately give Mum & Laura a chance to talk in the kitchen, although I don't think babies came up. Still, it was their mother & daughter time. And it was nice to laze about in my own house

I don't know whether Gary was making a concerted effort with me, and if so whether Laura had prompted him that the way to my heart is through my cat, but he was full of praise for Diz. Then again, he is a cat-lover and had had a few sherberts so it's probably me over-analysing

We had a leg of lamb for dinner, roast and boiled potatoes, Yorkshire pud, veg, gravy, mint sauce. Yum.
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