Thread: Cool Weapons
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Old 04-21-2012, 09:51 AM   #534
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Originally Posted by ZenGum
I just wanted to indulge in a little gun talk, here will do.

Anonymoo recently posted about certain events including this bit:

WTF? Isn't that exactly what the .45 was made for, high stopping power at close range?
Well, not exactly, it was more for explosive-laden drug-crazed Japanese Filipino Muslims on suicide runs, not vicious pit-bulls, but I would think the effect should still work.

Can anyone explain this to me? Were the dogs just that #$%&ing crazy? Am I wrong about the .45?
if'n I'm not mistaken.
I'm with glatt.

the .45 was put into service in 1911, hence the name.

The link to the Moro Rebellion (top link) is a very interesting read in light of what is going on in Afghanistan. Same tactics a hundred years later.
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