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Old 05-19-2012, 10:42 PM   #4388
Big McLargeHuge
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: california, USA
Posts: 203
I was mildly irritated by two things today because I'm all uptight stress unreasonably unbalanced and generally kablooey at finals time:

The first was gossiping wait staff at a restaurant. A couple of employees were gabbing near the top of their lungs at the waiter-box like ten feet behind my head. Talking at work is cool and all, but, uh, can you tone it down some? Like a lot? Cause it's a little empty in this section here and your voice is fucking carrying like mad. I don't wanna be "that guy", but sometimes, native spanish speakers seem to assume that if you're not hispanic you don't understand (I'm not, and I do), and if you don't understand, you won't actually *hear* the noise so it's ok to go at the top of your lungs. Ladies, I heard every word of your banal conversation. They could probably hear it down the street. Which is probably why the boss came over and (relatively politely) chastized you for loitering and sent you to the back where they were swamped with work while you were gabbing. Thanks boss!

Later I got all cross as I stopped in a gas station to make a single quick purchase. There was one dude buying a mass quantity of crap beer and having some problems with lotto tickets or something, and one guy raced to get in line in front of me with some oil - but it also turns out he needed a refund on a prepaid pump or some such crap. The clerk was not prepared to deal with either of these fools, leaving me stuck waiting in a grody little gas station that I normally don't visit anyways. I waited patiently for a while, but after some discussion between the three of them on whose tasks will take less time and who should go first I just said fuck it and walked out, as I had far more important things to do and my purchase could be made later.

I went and slugged some crappy coffee and hit the books til my back started hurting and came home to be pissy on the internet. Hooray!
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