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Old 06-23-2012, 02:47 PM   #39
Radical Centrist
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Originally Posted by Ibram View Post
I believe in fighting intolerance and this kind of bullshit, not ignoring it and moving on. if i seem like i'm on a hair trigger it's only because I believe it's the duty of all moral people to fight back against this kind of hate with all they've got, every single time they see it.
Rrright, where it's understood by all that when you say "this kind", you are referring to the kind that you personally experience. Obviously, we aren't in this thread talking about any other kind.

And how we "fight" is:

A) We calmly discuss an issue that intelligent people may disagree on, and discover through common respect what we can learn from each other in a two-way process.

B) We call everybody we disagree with a fucking ignorant cunt.

(B-prime) Assume the moral high ground. That way B is permitted and is not poor behavior.

AND BY THE WAY when you talk about gender you are not speaking for all TG people. And I know this because: well, I've known more of them than you have.
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