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Old 06-23-2012, 11:33 PM   #44
trying hard to be a better person
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post

"why not accept someone else's self-definition?"

Speaking only for me: 'cause reality trumps my (or his) definitions.

If he wants to self-identify as 'girl' -- again -- that's profit for or cost to me if he self-defines as 'girl'.

But the cost to me is high if 'I' pretend he's a 'she', 'cause he's not.
Why does physical appearance trump psychological belief? We have enough evidence now to know that there is a different brain chemistry between men and women, and also between any kind of person in between.

Surely what's on the inside is equally important as what's on the outside.

As to the rest of this shit fight, I've started a number of threads in the past after being prompted to thought by something another poster believes or thinks about. Personally, I've never considered it to be attacking the other person, but an exploration of an idea that I don't feel very informed about usually.
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