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Old 08-07-2012, 04:07 AM   #4507
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Are the rents like that because it's too close to the big city?
Nope, just because we're in the South of England. My rent in Leicester was much lower, but by the time I left, even those were rising.
Originally Posted by Gravdigr View Post
I don't know what a 'council tax', 'tv license', or 'bedsit' is.
Council Tax is what every household in this country has to pay. It covers things like police, schools, roads, rubbish collection etc. I've given an approximate cost which includes a 25% single person discount.
TV licence is what every household has to pay to watch a TV. It's about £150 a year.
A bedsit is the same as a studio really. Except that studio suggests an open-plan loft-style apartment. In reality, at the lower end of the market here they are bedsits - bed-sitting rooms. A room equivalent in size to a small lounge, with a sink unit/ fridge/ oven (or even just a hob) at one end of it. With a bathroom of course.
Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
If you want to be anywhere near public transport and shops, you have to pay close to $200/wk around here.
Town prices are actually lower than country prices around here. But that's because you won't find small properties at any distance from amenities. The further you go from town centres the bigger the houses are. This doesn't apply in cities, where it is cheaper to live further out, but all cities have local shops and transport links anyway.
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