Like I said, I'm pleased with the teacher herself. She really was a tie for first choice to us. I'm just suspicious of the school's behavior. Parents here don't get to choose teachers either, it's an accommodation that we came up with ourselves, and to my knowledge no other autism parent in the district has ever asked for it. It's because I'm a cynic--other parents spend hours fighting tooth and nail for specific things, and then the teachers just don't do them when class time comes. I believe that if a teacher is determined not to be bothered, all the legal requirements in the world are not going to make her classroom a good environment for your child, so our focus has always been carefully choosing the best person available, and hoping the rest comes naturally.
But they don't do birthdays either, because they want the flexibility to separate certain children each year as necessary. Maybe by 5th grade it's a complex river-crossing puzzle, but with only one year under their belts, it should still be close to a random toss, I would think.