Probably get death threats and my peonies trampled.

But thank you.
Adak's a problem because instead of the crazy right wing zealots you see on the web, his posts sound rational. It's only when you get into the facts that they fall apart.
A friend of mine has a couple girlfriends she shops and walks with, who are tea partiers. They send her a constant flow of right wing emails, which she passes along. Half of them are lunatic scary, a quarter make sense if you just accept the facts as they state them, and a quarter you have to do some semi-serious research to find the flaws.
Those are the ones with links that back up the statements, but from dubious web sites. Then they'll say "Snopes says it's true" with a link to Snopes where it says it's false.

They're counting on people being to lazy to click the link (maybe at work seeing the dozens of addresses attached), and just forward.
I got one yesterday that complained soldiers only get half pay when they retire after 20 years. I accepted that without checking, and believe it's a possibly legitimate complaint. Even full after 20, at 40 to 45, I don't want the job.
But the next statement was congressmen get full pay for life after one term. What? I know that's complete bullshit, but I've seen it written many times before, and probably these clowns believe it.
Next, to reinforce sympathy for the first statement, is a picture of a Marine that was really fucked up, blown up and burned, but alive. The kind of picture that puts a lump in the most dispassionate throat.
Obviously this Marine has nothing to do with retirement pay plea, he's a 100% disability case right now. Maybe disability just moves the same pay from 20 years to now? But if that's the case, say so, because it makes the whole thing sleazy otherwise.