From the depression to Reagan, the tri-lateral commission (government, labor, and the 1%) kept everything in balance, not letting power swing too far in any direction. But since 1980 I've seen labor decimated causing real wages to decline, Congress bought by K Street, lock, stock, and barrel, and the 1% play the "Global Economy" card to put themselves back in power.
I honestly believe this election is the last stand against a power grab that we peons may never recover from. Mainly because unlike the Robber Barons of old, the current 1% don't give a shit about the country.
Bruce can be grouchy at times, but he sees things very clearly, and if we all saw what was going on this clearly, we'd all be grouchy too. Bloody angry, in fact.
The present global situation is similar to the middle stages of the Roman empire, as the plutocrats eroded the republic and gained total control. Social demoralisation followed, and the Roman world became so brittle that a handful of barbarians was enough to destroy it. That is the future I fear.
Adak, although I disagree with 80% of what you say, please, keep it coming. Really. I like the cellar because it gives me a window into the way US folks are thinking, and with Merc on Hiatus, you're the chief republican spokesman here right now.