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Old 09-29-2012, 08:23 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Boehner is not the problem. He saw the problem early. How often he made deals with Obama to only have it yanked out from under him by extremists - especially Cantor. How many times have so many Democrats and Republicans complained that Cantor should not even be in that room? How many long time most conservative Republicans (Simpson, Dole, Lugar, Gramm, Grassley, etc) complain about the extremism in their own party that is so destructive? Again, point to its best example - Cantor. Whose political objectives are quite clear - to make America fail.

How many times has Boehner made a deal to make American great? And then have Cantor yank it out from under him? Routinely. Cantor believes America will restore George Jr extremists if he makes America fail. Boehner is but another victim.
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